Grow Your Business More Quickly with a Junk Removal Business Advisor
With a junk removal business advisor like Sam Schick, you can tap into expert-level advice from day one of starting your business. As the former owner of a ten-million-dollar junk removal operation, he has a wealth of knowledge to share and is doing just that with JRA clients. From pricing and trucks to advertising and management, Sam has an answer for just about any question that gets thrown his way.
Last month, Sam had a call with JRA Business Package client Brady and the pair were kind enough to share part of their conversation. Get a glimpse of the insights Sam provided below.
Getting Off the Truck to Increase Outreach
Brady: I’ve been doing it by myself for a couple of years and it’s to the point where I don’t want to be riding the truck forever.
Sam: Going into the business and doing it yourself means you can talk with experience to your guys. You know how every job goes, what tools they’ll need, the right techniques—everything. But pulling you off the trucks gives you the opportunity to put yourself in front of a bunch of customers, like brokers, real estate agents, and chambers of commerce. I went to chamber meetings for months… once one of them tries you, they’ll talk about you to others, and they’ll try you, too.
Price Points for Junk Removal
Sam: For junk removal jobs, what is your minimum and maximum price?
Brady: A $75 minimum and $315 for a full trailer load.
Sam: I’d bump the $75 up to $100 or $125. You’re a premium junk removal service and you can charge those kinds of prices as long as you deliver the image, the brand, and the training. How many levels of pricing do you have between a minimum and a full load?
Brady: I’ve been running quarter-loads, so the levels are ¼, ½, ¾, and full.
Sam: We had thirteen different increments! Why so many? We had that many increments so we could upsell really easily. You see, those increments were only $40 apart or so. When doing an estimate, I could tell the customer, “If you can find any more junk for us to take, it will only cost you $40 more to get rid of it.”
Operating Hours
Sam: How many days are you open?
Brady: Monday through Saturday.
Sam: Are you considering opening on Sunday? My competitors were open on Sunday, and my customers were home on Sunday, too. I ended up opening on Sunday and some of the major holidays. I’d say in the beginning, you’d be wasting your payroll hours, but your business will tell you when the time is right to consider opening on Sundays.
Speak with a Business Advisor and Earn Success!
You have the drive to make your junk removal business succeed, and Sam has the knowledge you need to reach that success. Could a winning partnership be underway? It will be if you contact us today to get started with our Business Package. Just like Brady, you’ll have the opportunity to speak with Sam directly and receive guidance that’s custom-tailored for you and your business. With a business advisor at your side, it’ll be that much easier to skyrocket to success!